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NUTRI-CO2OL® is our independently verified model that enables us to quantify the carbon footprint for any individual product. It provides site-specific carbon footprints for our 13,000+ grades from source to Origin’s site gate.


NUTRI-CO2OL® has been developed to provide customers, farmers and the food supply chain with carbon footprint data to help make more informed decisions.

NUTRI-CO2OL® is the first independently verified UK carbon footprint model for blends, and accounts for changes in raw material sourcing, production and blending location.


NUTRI-CO2OL® has been independently verified by ADAS for its relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy and transparency against PAS2050:2011 Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services.

The verification covers emissions from cradle-to-gate.


NUTRI-CO2OL® provides a specific carbon footprint emission statement for any product that we produce and improves the accuracy for recording and reporting carbon footprints.

NUTRI-CO2OL® enables carbon footprint information to be part of the purchase decision, highlighting how fertiliser choice can reduce the end product carbon footprint in the broader food supply chain.

An example carbon footprint for our SELENIGRASS is below.


A large UK vegetable producer identified in their supermarket audit that fertiliser was a significant part of their carbon footprint and discussed with their agronomist ways to reduce it.

Our NUTRI-CO2OL® tool was used to identify how they could match the nutrient requirement of the crop to retain yield and quality, but significantly reduce the GHG from the manufacture of the fertiliser. A small change to the analysis and the raw materials making the grade produced a significant carbon footprint saving.

By reducing nitrogen losses from the system, we ensure more nitrogen is available for crop uptake – leading to potential yield improvements.

Fertiliser GradeCarbon Footprint
kg CO2-eq/kg product
Applied At
Fertiliser Production
kg CO2-eq per hectare
Carrot Grade A0.25900225
Carrot Grade B0.15900135
Carbon Footprint Saving40% reductionReduction of 90

We supply prescription fertilisers to key growers producing malting barley.

Significant reductions in carbon footprints were achieved in the mid-2010s through switching to abated nitrogen fertilisers, but what more can be done for the drinks market with an increasing demand for more sustainable crop production practices?

Working with a key customer supplying fertiliser to malting barley growers, our range of enhanced efficiency prescription grades provided a 9% reduction in carbon footprint when compared to a competitor standard complex compound.


Fertiliser GradeCarbon Footprint
kg CO2-eq/kg product
Applied At
Fertiliser Production
kg CO2-eq per hectare
Spring Barley Grade A0.57400228
Spring Barley Grade B0.52400208
Carbon Footprint Saving9% reductionReduction of 20

Need a carbon footprint for your Origin Fertiliser?

We can provide you with a carbon footprint for any of our 13,000+ grades.

Please complete the form.