Balanced nutrition plays a key role in optimising both quantity and quality. Silage requires large amounts of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) to drive growth but what else do these nutrients need to fulfil their role in balanced nutrition?
Nitrogen needs Sulphur to optimise grass growth and quality:

The benefits of sulphur on grass quantity and quality arising from the synergies between N and S are long established and well understood, as demonstrated by the trial data (right) from Bouchard et al, Journal of Dairy Science, 1973. Yet S fertilisers are only applied to 27% of the total silage crop area (BSFP, 2020).

Livestock need Potassium and Sodium to be in balance:

The benefits of including sodium in silage fertiliser were demonstrated in an independent trial by National University of Ireland, Galway in 2019.
The trial compared a Sweet Silage blend against a 'standard' silage CCF compound in relation to yield and forage quality.

Our team of Nutrition Agronomists are on hand to support you with additional technical information on Sweet Silage and our other efficiency brands.
Improving soil and crop nutrition is key to supporting sustainable agriculture. The Nutrition Agronomists can provide practical help in interpreting soil, leaf and slurry analyses and helping with integrated nutrient management planning.