For farmers with slurry or AD digestate plants
Who are looking to increase nutrient recovery while also reducing ammonia emissions
Our product is a unique additive produced by fermentation in an easy-to-use liquid
Contains aerobic and faculative bacteria, enzymes and nutrients
Our solution reduces ammonia concentration, odour, crusts and solids
It is tried, tested and proven in the UK and Ireland to improve soil fertility
DIGEST-IT is a microbial inoculant added to slurry that increases nutrient recovery from slurry, reduces ammonia emissions from slurry and grows better quality crops, by improving soil health.
In DIGEST-IT, a mixture of molasses, sugars and seaweed are added into a natural mother culture derived from slurry and soil. Composting, facultative and aerobic bacteria are the result of this process of fermentation. The benefits of using DIGEST-IT in slurry include:
DIGEST-IT provides a rich food source for microbes as well as dormant aerobic bacteria species that are able to feed on and use the ammonia gas as a source of nitrogen to grow, thus turning it into microbial nitrogen. DIGEST-IT breaks down the solids in the organic material, decreasing chances of blockages during spreading.
DIGEST-IT captures ammoniacal nitrogen that is continually being volatilised into the atmosphere as ammonia. The composting microbes that are present break down the dry solid matter and convert the released ammonia into organic and ammonium nitrogen. Benefits of using DIGEST-IT in digestate include:
Assessing if DIGEST-IT would increase the ammonium nitrogen content and reduce the dry solid % within AD liquid digestate
DownloadDIGEST-IT is simply poured into the lagoon/tower/store as a single application 8-12 weeks prior to spreading. 20L DIGEST-IT treats 100,000 gallons (454m3) of slurry or digestate. The quantity of DIGEST-IT required is worked out based on the store's full capacity. It is recommended to agitate post-application, but it is not a necessity and won't affect the efficacy of the product.