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Poly Power

Poly Power is a range of fertiliser grades that contain Polysulphate, a unique multi-nutrient fertiliser containing sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium in water-soluble, plant available forms.
Combined with Origin technologies designed to protect nitrogen and phosphates, the Poly Power range provides alternatives to traditional grades. It is also a key source of sulphur for many NUTRI-MATCH prescription grades.


Sustained release S that matches crop uptake and ensures a constant supply = Better than other sulphur sources


Prevents phosphorous from being fixed into forms unavailable
for plant uptake = Increases availability of phosphorous fertiliser for greater uptake


Original, most research proven urease inhibitor that stands above the rest = Delivers consistent results year after year, and proven in the UK


Prescription fertilisers delivering targeted nutrient inputs = No excess, no deficiency, no compromise

An all-season solution

Poly NKS for spring

Poly NKS combines the benefits of Polysulphate with granular CAN and MOP. It provides a sustained and constant release sulphur that matches crop uptake and reduces the risk of leaching. The combination of S, K, Ca and Mg help increase N uptake and efficiency.

These example Poly NKS grades are designed to complement NUTRI-START Poly. We can provide Poly Power prescription grades formulated to match soil and crop nutrient requirements, and a full range of micro-nutrients can be added to any grade.

High P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-12-36 + 9 SO3, 3CaO, 1 MgO + OEP200024721862
Spring17-0-9 + 14 SO3, 5 CaO, 2 MgO3576003250187

Mid P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-20-20 + 14.5 SO3, 5 CaO, 2 MgO + OEP3000606044156
Spring16-0-12 + 13 SO3, 4.5 CaO, 1.5 MgO3756004550176

Low P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-27-16 + 9 SO3, 3 CaO, 1 MgO + OEP280076452583
Spring15-0-15 + 12.5 SO3, 4.5 CaO, 1.5 MgO4026006050186

Please note - All recommendations are for guidelines only. Please consult your FACTS Qualified Advisor for a detailed recommendation based on your specific requirements and situation.

Find some of our FACTS qualified Nutrition Agronomists here

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Looking for a nitrogen sulphur grade?

Working on the ‘little & often’ principle, apply throughout the spring (example 2-4 splits) to provide total nitrogen for the season and match sulphur requirements in each application

Apply the full sulphur requirement early spring (mid-Feb) in one combined NS application, followed by additional nitrogen applications (example 2-3 splits) to supply total nitrogen requirement for the season.

Traditional v efficiencyAnalysiskg/haNKSCaMg
Traditional27N 10SO32005402000
Efficiency23-0-2 + 7 SO3 + P, CaO, MgO, Mn, Zn23554516.517.52.5
Traditional v efficiencyAnalysiskg/haNKSCaMg
Traditional27N 30SO2005406000
Efficiency23-0-7 + 24 SO3 + CaO + MgO235541655207

Sweet Poly Power builds on the existing Poly Power range by adding sodium – a key element of our Sweetgrass blends to form a high performing fertiliser for all livestock farmers with both productivity and environmental benefits. Sweet Poly Power combines seven key nutrients –  N and S to drive growth and protein formation, P for root and shoot growth, K to aid water regulation, Mg to support photosynthesis, Ca to improve animal health and Na to improve grass palatability.

The nutrient release has been proven to last for up to 55 days so not only are grass yields maximised, it also reduces potential leaching of key nutrients from the soil. Nitrogen and phosphate – where required – are added together with a low hygroscopic, specially coated sodium to increase grass palatability and dry matter intake.

Depending on requirements and the results of soil testing, we can fine-tune the formulation to deliver a prescription nutrition solution specifically matched to individual soil and crop nutrient needs

Want to know more about NUTRI-MATCH?